STATUS REPORTS: Invasive Species Status Reports for South Africa
The monitoring and assessment of invasive species in South Africa is recorded in National Status Reports submitted to the Environment Minister every three years.
The reports are produced and published by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) in consultation with government officials, invasion scientists and a range of stakeholders.
The National Status Reports provide data and information on the status of biological invasions in South Africa as well as control and management programmes initiated to manage invasive species. The reports are available for download:
2019: The Status of Biological Invasions and their Management in South Africa
Owing to the Covid lockdown, this report was launched in May 2021. The 95-page document provides information on the impacts of the 215 invasive species have been formally assessed. Seven of these are found to have caused massive negative environmental impacts. The report highlights ways forward in the control and management of invasive species given the often complex environmental and social dynamics.
SANBI launch of the 2019 Status Report by Minister Barbara Creecy.
2017: The Status of Biological Invasions and their Management in South Africa
This 163-page document outlines the national strategy for dealing with biological invasions in South Africa. It covers the legislative and regulatory environment, pre- and at-border management, post-border risk management, managing established species, information management, capacity building, research, raising awareness and funding.
SANBI launch of the 2017 Status Report by Minister Derek Hanekom.
STRATEGY: National Invasive Species Strategy for South Africa
2014: A National Strategy for Dealing with Biological Invasions in South Africa (25 March 2014)
A 184-page strategy document was the first summary document covering the strategy for dealing with biological invasions in South Africa. This document provides a strategy for managing biological invasions in South Africa, at a national scale and over a time horizon of ten years. It constitutes a national-level plan for the costeffective achievement of specific objectives in an environment of uncertainty - covering legislation, pre- and post-border risk and management of invasive species.
This Strategy aims to facilitate the achievement of 11 complimentary sub-objectives:
- To promote co-ordination and collaboration across all affected sectors.
- To establish an effective legislative and regulatory environment.
- To prevent the introduction of species that pose a substantial invasion risk.
- To eradicate introduced species where possible and desirable.
- To reduce the rate of spread of invasions and reduce the impacts of existing invasions.
- To manage and provide access to information.
- To develop adequate management and research capacity.
- To foster research and development to improve management and decisionmaking.
- To raise awareness of the problem.
- To provide adequate financial resources for management.
- To ensure effective monitoring and evaluation.