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- FAO recognises ARC-PHP as centre of excellence for training
- VIRIDI®ELISA KITS – TIA matchmaking event winner
- Saving a World Heritage Site from Lantana
- New alien invasive beetle in Europe
- Emergence of Pythium as highly virulent pathogen
- Relationship between ARC and Du Roi Laboratory strengthened
- Spider diversity on the rise
- The emergence of novel strains of bacteria that nodulate and fix nitrogen in legumes
- New species found in mouldy dogfood
- Eccentric man’s orphaned collection boosts value of SANC
- Avicides applied over migratory quela birds
- Fungi on olive trees surveyed
- Important plant pathogenic genus, Fusarium, surveyed in South African soil
- ARC-PHP participated at Virology Africa 2020
- 13th Colloquium of the African Arachnology Society
- New blight species reported from imported nectarines
- New book on invasive alien plants launched
- First report of the dagger nematode, Xiphinema oxycaudatum, from South Africa
- New species of anthracnose recorded on papaya in South Africa
- A first checklist of macrofungi for South Africa