PPRI News No. 78 - September - October 2008

* First releases of biocontrol agents against problem cactus * Early indications of establishment of biocontrol agent on cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) * Optimism prevails in South Africa for biological control of two emerging weeds, red sunflower ( Tithonia rotundifolia ) and Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolias) * News snippets from Weeds Research.

PPRI News No. 77 - July - September 2008

* Renewed biocontrol research on crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora) * Insect community in seed capsules of the River Red Gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, in South Africa.

PPRI News No. 76 - April - June 2008

*Survey for natural enemies of Cestrum and Cardiospermum species in Argentina * Pseudonapomyza sp. (Diptera: Agromyzidae), a potential biological control agent of yellow bells (Tecoma stans: Bignoniaceae) * Temperature as a catalyst for boom * The 36th Annual Weeds Biological Control Workshop * From the rockery to the veld – invasive ornamental succulents.

PPRI News No. 75 - January - March 2008

*Alien invasive predator spreading in South Africa -this harlequin is no jester! * Alien invasive predator spreading * New weed biocontrol quarantine facility opens at Cedara * Climbing asparagus (Asparagus scandens) * Gall Rust for the Biological Control of Yellow Bells * Survey for natural enemies of Australian myrtle in Australia * SAPIA surveys and a nightmare of Rubus taxonomy.

PPRI News No. 74 - October - December 2007

* Biological control of hydrilla * Attacking the root of the lantana problem * Pompom weed – the pink invasive * Adding pressure on lantana.

PPRI News No. 73 - July - September 2007

* SAPIA II project reveals previously unrecorded prickly poppy
(Argemone) in the Western Cape * Mexican poppies targeted for biological control * Two new candidate biocontrol agents for Tecoma stans * Problem cactus to be controlled biologically

PPRI News No. 72 - April - June 2007

* The eucalypt leaf, twig and stem galling wasp, Leptocybe invasa now in SA * Blastopsylla occidentalis : another new Eucalyptus pest in South Africa * Bugweed under attack * Garbage dumps of invasive alien vegetation on the KZN south coast * 35th Annual Weeds Workshop, 3-8 June 2007

PPRI News No. 71 - January - March 2007

* Invasion of ‘roses’ in the eastern Free State * Pompom weed—new threats to the grasslands of Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Free State * Creating public awareness of invasive alien plants

PPRI News No. 70 - December 2006

* Pompom weed threatens the Waterberg * Potential new biological control
Agents for stinkbean * Population explosion of pompom weed in Gauteng * Locally discovered rust fungus to curb pompom weed?

PPRI News No. 69 - July - September 2006

* A Wasp Counterattack to Save Pine Trees * Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia), a new emerging weed in South Africa * Pre-release efficacy testing of a potential agent for water hyacinth biocontrol in South Africa * A potential biocontrol agent for yellow bells (Tecoma stans) as well as cat’s claw creeper (Macfadyena unguis-cati) * Prediction of safety and effectiveness of Lon-gitarsus bethae, a candidate biocontrol agent for the noxious weed Lantana camara.