Cape Town Weed Alert - Spanish broom (Spartium junceum)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Spanish broom (Spartium junceum).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Russian thistle (Salsola kali)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Russian thistle (Salsola kali).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Rivina bloodberry (Rivina humilis)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Rivina bloodberry (Rivina humulis).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Australian cheesewood (Pittosporum undulatum)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Australian cheesewood (Pittosporum undulatum).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Yellow water lily (Nymphaea mexicana)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the yellow water lily (Nymphaea mexicana).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Red flowering tea tree (Melaleuca hypericifolia)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Red flowering tea tree (Melaleuca hypericifolia).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Sweet hakea (Hakea drupacea)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Sweet hakea (Hakea drupacea).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Montpellier broom (Genista monspessulana)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Montpellier broom (Genista monspessulana).

Cape Town Weed Alert - Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster species)

A series of pamphlets assisting in the identification of invasive plants and animals in the Western Cape Province.

This pamphlet covers the Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster species).