NEMBA Alien and Invasive Species Regulations and Lists


Lists and regulations for invasive species in South Africa

2020:  NEMBA Alien and Invasive Species List (18 September, 2020) The National List includes: Plants (383), mammals (43), birds (14), reptiles (30), amphibians (7), fresh-water fish (30), terrestrial invertebrates (24), fresh-water invertebrates (12), marine invertebrates (17) and microbial species (7). Total: 567 species 2020:  NEMBA Alien and Invasive Species Regulations (25 September, 2020) The regulations are encapsulated in 10 Chapters:

  • Chapter 1 – Interpretation
  • Chapter 2 – Categories of Listed Invasive Species
  • Chapter 3 – Restricted Activities
  • Chapter 4 – National Framework Documents
  • Chapter 5 – Registers and Notification
  • Chapter 6 – Risk Assessment
  • Chapter 7 – Issuing, Amendment and Cancellation of Permits
  • Chapter 8 – Emergency Suspension
  • Chapter 9 – Compliance and Enforcement
  • Chapter 10 – Repeal, Short Title and Commencement

Four Categories for 567 Listed Invasive Species

Listed invasive species are assigned to four categories:

Category 1a:

  • Species which must be combatted or eradicated.
  • Immediate steps must be taken to combat or eradicate.
  • Authorised officials must be permitted to enter properties to monitor, assist with or implement the combatting or eradication.
  • If an Invasive Species Management Programme has been developed, a person must combat or eradicate the listed invasive species in accordance with such programme.

Category 1b:

  • Species which must be controlled.
  • Property owners and organs of state must control the listed invasive species within their properties.
  • If an Invasive Species Management Programme has been developed, a person must control the listed invasive species in accordance with such programme.
  • Authorised officials must be permitted to enter properties to monitor, assist with or implement the control of listed species.
  • Any Category 2 listed species (where permits are applicable) which fall outside of containment and control, revert to Category 1b and must be controlled.
  • Any Category 3 listed species which occur within a Protected Area or Riparian (wetland) revert to Category 1b and must be controlled.
  • The Minister may require any person to develop a Category 1b Control Plan for one or more Category 1b species occurring on a property.

Category 2:

Any species listed under Category 2 requires a permit issued by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) to carry out a restricted activity (See Permit Applications.)

  • A permit is required to carry out any restricted activity.
  • No person may carry out a restricted activity in respect of a Category 2 listed invasive species without a permit.
  • A person in control of a Category 2 listed species must take all necessary measures to ensure that specimens of the species do not spread outside of the land or area, such as an aviary) specified in the permit.

For permit details, view PERMIT APPLICATIONS.

Category 3:

  • Category 3 listed invasive species are subject to certain exemptions in terms of section 70 (1)(a) of the NEMBA Act, which applies to the listing of alien invasive species.
  • Any Category 3 listed plant species that occurs in riparian areas, must be considered as Category 1b and the appropriate control measures instituted.

Download:  Alien & Invasive Species Lists 18 September 2020