Chinese tamarisk

Tamarix chinensis

Evergreen shrub or tree 3-6m high with a black or dark brown bark and feathery branches. Deep green, greyish or bluish-green leaves are minute and scale-like. Pale to purplish-pink flowers in clusters 15-70mm long at the end of thin, long twigs. Fruits are papery capsules 3-4mm long.

Chinese wax-leaved privet

Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae)

Evergreen shrub or small tree 3-10m high. Dark green, thick, leathery, glossy leaves sometimes variegated in green and yellow. Heavily, scented white flowers appear in large terminal clusters from October to February. Shiny black berries. It has poisonous fruits and leaves.

Chir pine

Pinus roxburghii (Pinaceae)

A coniferous tree up to 20m high or more, with conical or oval crowns. Large, ascending branches with secondary shoots absent from trunk with very thick, fissured bark. Light to bright green leaf needles in bundles of three. Light brown cylindrical cones 15-20cm long. This pine invades grasslands, usually on dry mountain slopes

Cluster pine

Pinus pinaster (Pinaceae)

 A coniferous tree 8-15m high, conical when young, becoming cylindrical with a tall, bare trunk when older. Reddish-brown bark, deeply cracked into plates. Dull grey-green leaf needles in bundles of two. Cones initially purple, turning light brown 9-18cm long. This pine invades mountains and lowland fynbos

Common dodder

Cuscuta campestris (Convolvulaceae)

Slender, leafless, parasitic plants with yellowish or whitish, twining stems up to 2m high and forming dense patches up to 6m across. No leaves. Small clusters of whitish flowers up to 3mm long appear from November to April. Greenish-yellow fruits occur intermittently along the stringy vines. This plant invades a wide range of habitats, especially river banks, other moist sites and irrigated crop lands

Common morning glory

Ipomoea purpurea (Convolvulaceae)

A herbaceous twining annual with hairy stems up to 3m or more. Bright green, sparsely hairy, heart-shaped leaves. Purplish-blue, reddish, magenta or white funnel-shaped flowers, sometimes with contrasting stripes from November to May. This creeper invades woodlands, waste areas, arable land, roadsides, river banks and coastal dunes.

Common mulberry

Morus alba

This introduced species has been widely cultivated in gardens for its fruit, and its leaves are also used to feed silkworms.On young, vigorous shoots, the leaves may be up to 30 cm long, and deeply and intricately lobed, with the lobes rounded. On older trees, the leaves are generally 5-15 cm long, unlobed, cordate at the base and rounded to acuminate at the tip, and serrated on the margins.

Common privet

Ligustrum vulgare (Oleaceae)

A deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub 3-6m high. Mid to dark green leaves, sometimes variegated, or yellow. Shoots minutely downy and leaves are smooth. Heavily scented white flowers appear in terminal clusters from October to February, followed by tiny black berries. The leaves and fruits are poisonous.

Common toadflax

Linaria vulgaris

Common yellow toadflax is a creeping perennial forb, with bright yellow and orange snap-dragon-like flowers.It can form dense populations, mainly through vegetative reproduction from root buds along underground rhizomes.Vegetative reproduction is responsible for the colony forming habit of the plant.

Coral bush

Ardisia crenata (Myrsinaceae)

An evergreen shrub up to 2m high with stems that continue to grow beyond the flowering branches. Bright green lance-shaped leaves. White or pink flowers in clusters at the tips of the branches from June to November. Coral-red fruits occur in drooping clusters