Radiata pine

Pinus radiata (Pinaceae)

A coniferous tree 12-25m high with a broad, rounded canopy. Dark green leaf needles in bundles of two to three which are very densely arranged. Yellowish-brown, woody cones 7-14cm long. This pine invades fynbos, forest clearings, grasslands, usually on moist mountain slopes

Rambling cassia

Senna bicapsularis (Fabaceae)

A scrambling or climbing shrub growing up to 3m high. Leaves are green with yellow margins and leaflets in 2-3 pairs with rounded tips. The small yellow flowers have clearly marked brown veins and appear from May to October. Brown, cylindrical pods 5-6cm long. This shrub is known to be poisonous to birds and bees.

Red cedar

Juniperus virginiana

Evergreen, coniferous tree 10-18 m high, crow greyish- green, initially conical, later with horizontal, spreading branches, bark grey to reddish-brown, peeling off in long strip. Leaves: adult leaves scale-like, overlapping, acute, juvenile leaves needle like in opposite pairs. Male and Female cones usually on separate trees, Female cones are berry-like. Flowers: males are small, yellow-brown, occurring in large groups; females are light blue-green.

Red eye wattle

Acacia cyclops (Fabaceae)

One of many wattle species originating from Australia, Rooikrans is a serious invader of the Cape Floristic Kingdom.
Evergreen shrub 1.5-4m high, with bright green elongated leaves and yellow flowers, was brought to South Africa for the primary purpose of stabilising shifting sand dunes in the Western Cape.

Red flowering tea tree

Melaleuca hypericifolia

Large shrub or small tree up to 4.5m high. It is erect at first and then spreading with very firm, papery bark. Mid-green, oblong leaves in opposite pairs. Small orange-red flowers are borne on showy, dense spikes from spring to early summer.

Red ginger lily

Hedychium coccineum (Zingiberaceae)

A vigorous plant up to 2m high. Broad, bright green or greyish-green leaves which sheath the stems. Showy, fragrant flowers in spikes up to 35cm long from January to March. Flowers are red with pink protruding stamens

Red river gum

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Myrtaceae)

A tall evergreen tree 18-40m high with a spreading crown and smooth, mottled, white or grey bark, often tinged red in very cold areas. Pale, dull green leaves. Cream flowers appear from September to January and produces brown to reddish brown fruit capsules. It invades perennial, seasonal and intermittent water courses.

Red sesbania

Sesbania punicea (Fabaceae)

A deciduous shrub or small tree up to 4m high with many slender branches. Drooping, dark green leaves with oblong leaflets that end in tiny, pointed tips. Showy red or orange flowers in dense sprays up to 25cm long from September to March. Brown, four-winged pods 6-8cm long and 10mm wide. Seeds, leaves and flower are poisonous.

Red sunflower

Tithonia rotundifolia

Indigenous to Mexico, the red sunflower is a large, erect and robust annual that grows up to 3m in height. It was introduced to South Africa during the early 1900s as an ornamental plant. Its abundance in South Africa has been escalating over the past 12 years in conservation, agricultural, urban and rural areas, particularly near waterways, disturbed sunny areas and along railways and roadsides.

Red valerian

Centranthus ruber

Red valerian is a hairless perennial herbaceous plant becoming shrubby and woody at the base in older stems.