
Lantana camara (Verbenaceae)

A spreading shrub or untidy scrambler growing up to 2m or higher. Stems usually covered with short, stiff hairs and recurved thorns. Dark green, rough, hairy leaves which are paler below and smell strongly when crushed. Pink, red, crimson, orange, yellow or white flowers in compact, flat-topped heads, often with several colours in one head, appear from September to April. Glossy green fruits which turn purplish-black. Poisonous.

Large cocklebur

Xanthium strumarium (Asteraceae)

This is an herbaceous shrub growing up to 1,2m high. The erect stems are brownish or reddish-brown, often with red spots, ribbed and roughly downy. The leaves are dull green, and broad, three-lobed with serrated margins and downy on both sides. Brownish burrs up to 2cm long crowned with two stout horns and covered with hooked spines up to 4mm long.

Large flowered prickly pear

Opuntia humifusa (Cactaceae)

Succulent, low, spreading shrublet up to 30cm high with prostrate or reclining grey-green stems that are flattened. Spines are absent and small pointed leaves are prominent on young stems. Large, showy golden-yellow flowers usually with orange or red in the throat appear from October to December followed by red or purple succulent fruit.

Large thorn apple

Datura ferox (Solanaceae)

The large thorn apple an erect annual growing up to 1,5m high with sparsely hairy to smooth, pale green stems. The large leaves have a jagged profile and are dark green above and paler below, and are sparsely hairy and bad smelling. Solitary white, funnel-shaped flowers appear in summer during October to March, followed by brown hardened fruit 

Lebbeck tree

Albizia lebbeck (Fabaceae)

Spreading tree to 15m high with rough bark that doesn't have an appealing appearance. Light green leaves and whitish or yellow flowers appear from November to March. Straw-coloured, shiny, rattling pods with raised bumps.

Lesser balloon vine

Cardiospermum halicacabum

Balloon-vine is a perennial creeper; at its base, the plant's stem is only approximately 3 mm thick, but it can reach a height of up to 2 meters. The stem forms internodes length of 5-10 cm long. The grooved stem carries alternate double triad leaves, 3 to 5 cm long, which are hairless or covered in a soft down of hairs. The oval or lanceate leaves have a deeply serrated or lobated edge. The leaflets at the side are smaller.


Leucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae)

A small tree or shrub growing up to 4m high with open leafy branches. Dark green, drooping leaves which are often grey-hairy. White or pale yellow flowers borne singly or in groups of two or three from July to March. The seed pods are flattened and turn brown and occur in distinctive clusters that are raised over the seeds. Although used as a fodder plant, it is poisonous to livestock in large quantities.

Lindenleaf sage

Salvia tiliifolia

Leaves are used to kill lice. It can also be used to make a refreshing drink by soaking the roasted and ground seed in water. It is sometimes mixed with barley water. The leaves are used to kill lice.

Lollipop climber

Diplocyclos palmatus (Cucurbitaceae)

A perennial, climber with thin stems growing up to 6m high. White or greenish-yellow flowers from March to April. Commonly known as the Lollipop climber, bearing green fruits with white blotched stripes, later turning red-orange colour- resembles a lollipop, hence the common name. Originally from Australia.

Long spine cactus

Austrocylindropuntia sabulata

Long spine cactus is a large tree-like cactus, evergreen plant, spiny, branched succulent shrub, 2-5m high. Alternate -elongated, 30-60 long, curved, fleshy and persistence.Up to 4 m tall with round cylindrical joints, up to 60 cm tall and 4 - 6.5 cm thick, followed by reddish to red fruits up to 10 cm long.