Indian laurel

Indian laurel

Litsea glutinosa

Common Name:

Indian laurel

Scientific Name:

Litsea glutinosa

Alternative common names:

Indiese lourier (Afrikaans)


Indian laurel is an evergreen shrub or tree growing 6-10m high resembling avocado pear. Mature trees have a rounded crown. It has lance-shaped with slightly wavy margins. Yellow-orange flowers in small axillary flat-topped heads appear in summer from October to May.

Additional Information

Where does this species come from?

Himalayas and south-east Asia.

What is its invasive status in South Africa?

CARA Category 1; NEMBA Category 1b

Where in South Africa is it a problem?

KwaZulu-Natal, especially around Durban.

How does it spread?

Seed dispersal.

Why is it a problem?

A habitat transformer which competes against indigenous plants.

What does it look like?

Evergreen shrub or tree growing 6-10m high resembling avocado pear. Mature trees have a rounded crown.
Leaves:Lance-shaped and glabrous above with slightly wavy margins. Each leaf is 70-150mm long.
Flowers:Yellow-orange flowers in small axillary flat-topped heads. Appear in summer from October to May.
Fruit/seeds:Pea-sized shiny black berries seated on a disc with one seed inside.

Does the plant have any uses?

Used as an ornament, but now invasive.

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