Rose-ringed parakeet

Rose-ringed parakeet

Psittacula krameri

Common name:

Rose-ringed parakeet

Scientific name:

Psittacula krameri

Alternative common names:


Globally, the rose-ringed parakeet is the most invasive parrot species and became established in South Africa in the 1970s. It’s mainly a green parrot with a red bill and a long, tapered tail.The species is widely bred in captivity.

Additional Information

Where does this species come from?

Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

What is its invasive status in South Africa?

NEMBA Category 2 (for caged birds); NEMBA Category 1b (feral birds)

Where in South Africa is it a problem?

Western Cape Province, Eastern Cape Province, KwaZulu-Natal Province, North West Province, Mpumalanga Province, and Gauteng Province.

How does it spread?

The pet trade is the only pathway by which rose-ringed parakeet is likely to establish feral populations.

Why is it a problem?

Ring-necked Parakeets are very noisy, especially at communal roosts. They cause considerable agricultural damage. They can compete for nest sites with native cavity nesters, and may carry diseases that could be harmful to poultry, native fauna and humans.

What does it look like?

Description: Ring necks in the wild mostly have a green plumage. The face, abdomen and under wing-coverts are yellowish-green. The nape and the back of the head are variably washed with blue. There is a broad chin / cheek-stripe and a black narrow line from cere to eye. There is a narrow pink band to nape. The upper side of the middle tail-feathers are blue with greenish-yellow tips. The outer feathers are green. The underside of outer tail-feathers is olive-yellowish. The middle feathers are blackish. The bill is blackish-red with black tips. The irises are yellowish-white and the feet are greenish-grey.

Habitat: Rose-ringed parakeet is common in cultivated areas, urban parks and gardens, open countryside with trees, palm trees thickets and open forests.

Breeding: They nest in natural tree cavities, enlarged holes made by other species, in rock crevices, and on buildings. In Africa, the nest is always high in a tree. Typical clutch size is 3 to 4 eggs, but may range up to 6.

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