Spotted bass

Micropterus punctulatus

The spotted bass has been introduced to southern Africa where it has become established in some isolated waters. Similar to the largemouth and the smallmouth bass, it is called the 'in-between' species. It is distinguished from the smallmouth bass by the dark, blotchy lateral band from head to tail. It tends to be found in areas with more current than largemouth bass like, and usually inhabits areas that are too warm, turbid and sluggish for smallmouth bass.

Florida bass

Micropterus floridanus

The Florida bass is an olive green fish with a series of dark, sometimes black, blotches forming a jagged horizontal stripe along each flank. The upper jaw extends far beyond the rear margin of the eye. Adult largemouth bass are considered top predators in many habitats where they reside and rarely become prey due to their size, swimming speed and protective dorsal spines.

Mourning gecko

Lepidodactylus lugubris

Mourning geckos are small, nocturnal geckos with a long tail and smooth skin. They range in colour from white and grey to brown and fawn. They are parthenogenic, which means the female reproduces independently of the male.

Stump-tailed gecko

Gehyra mutilata

Stump-tailed geckos are lizardsfound in warmclimatesthroughout the world. They are somewhat plump, with delicate skin. The skin is usually coloured a soft purplish/pinkish-grey with golden spots on younger specimens; these spots eventually fade with age.


Fringilla coelebs

The chaffinch is a common and widespread, smallpasserinebird in thefinchfamily. It breeds in much of Europe, across Asia to Siberia and in Northwest Africa. It prefers open woodland and often forages on the ground. It is known to spread disease such as the Trichomonas gallinaeparasite.

Domestic cat

Felis catus

Thedomestic cat is a small, usually furry,domesticated and carnivorous mammal.The cat can suffer from a wide range of health problems, including infectious diseases, parasites, injuries and chronic disease. It is a common carrier of parasites such as worms and fleas.

Patas monkey

Erythrocebus patas

Patas monkeys have a greyhound-like build with a narrow body, long legs for quadrupedal locomotion and a prominent rib cage. Their coat is reddish and shaggy. As fruit eaters it is likely that patas monkeys help to disperse seeds.

Guttural toad

Amietophrynus gutturalis

Guttural toads are large toads that are very adaptable and can live in a variety of environments, which means they do not suffer much from habitat loss. They have no major predators and as their population increases, they are spreading through southern Africa.

Fallow deer

Dama dama

Like many species of deer, fallow deer are active throughout the 24-hour period, but in areas where human disturbance is high, they tend to be more active at night. They typically graze on grasses and rushes, but may also browse on young leaves and berries. For most of the year, males and females occur in separate single-sex groups, and large herds of fallow deer can congregate in open areas where there is plenty of food.

Sika deer

Cervus nippon

The sika deer is one of the few deer species that does not lose its spots upon reaching maturity. Spot patterns vary by region. Itis active throughout the day, but in areas of heavy human disturbance they tend to benocturnal. Seasonal migration is known to occur in mountainous areas. They are found in temperate forests, preferring areas with dense understorey plantings and where snowfall does not exceed 10 - 20cm. They tend to forage in patchy clearings of forests.