Chukar partridge

Alectoris chukar

The chukar partridge has an extremely large indigenous range, spanning countries from Eastern Europe to China, Russia and Africa.Itfeeds on seeds, grasses, bulbs, stems, fruit and leaves. Its head, chest and rear are grey and it has white cheeks and a white throat surrounded by a black band.

Jungle myna

Acridotheres fuscus

The jungle myna is a problem in agricultural areas. It feeds off rubbish and food scraps, and nests in any available space in houses and buildings. Its close association with human habitations causes a wide variety of problems for humans.

Crested mynh

Acridotheres cristatellus

The crested myna is a songbird from Southeast China and northern Indochina that usually colonises urban and agricultural habitats. It imitates the calls of other birds. It often walks on the ground, foraging for food. It is an aggressive and confident bird.

Tracheal mite

Acarapis woodi

Acarapis woodiis a tracheal mite affecting the respiratory system of honeybees, causing the disease acarapisosis. They are a parasite of insects.

Grey squirrel

Sciurus carolinensis

Grey squirrels are medium-sizedtree squirrels. Males and females are similar in size and colour. They feed mostly on nuts, flowers and buds of more than 24 species of oak, 10 species of hickory, as well as pecan, walnut and beech species. They may build nests in buildings, destroying electrical wiring and woodwork.

Crawshay’s waterbuck

Kobus ellipsiprymnus

This waterbuck is a largeantelopefound widely insub-Saharan Africa. It is a ruminant, feeding almost exclusively on grass and forbs. Crawshay's waterbuck is susceptible toulcers,lungworm infectionandkidney stones. Other diseases from which this animal suffers arefoot-and-mouth disease,sindbis fever,yellow fever,bluetongue,bovine virus diarrhoea,brucellosisandanthrax.

Snakehead fish

Channa argus

The snakehead fish is known for its voracious predation of other fish species, ability to withstand freezing and ability to tolerate alack of water for up to four days. The body of the snakehead is torpedo-shaped, which tapers towards the tail.The high fertility of the fish and its tolerance to a wide range of conditions as well as a lack of natural enemies in its introduced range make it likely to be a formidable invasive were itto become established.


Addax nasomaculatus

The addaxis a desert-living antelope and is well adapted to its harsh habitat. It feeds on desert grasses and scrub. It travels great distances over the Sahara Desert searchingfor sparse vegetation. It is the most desert-adapted of the antelopes. It spendsmost ofits lifewithout drinking water, receiving enough moisture to survive from the vegetation on whichit feeds.

Nile tilapia

Oreochromis niloticus

The Nile tilapia has distinctive, vertical stripes extending as far down its body as the bottom edge of the caudal fin, with variable colouration. It tolerates brackish water and survives temperatures between 8 and 42°C. It is an omnivore, feeding on plankton as well as on higher plants.

Largemouth bass

Micropterus salmoides

The largemouth bass is an olive green fish with a series of dark, sometimes black, blotches forming a jagged horizontal stripe along each flank. The upper jaw extends beyond the rear margin of the eye socket.