Green Iguana

Iguana iguana

The green iguana is a large, arboreal, mostly herbivorous species of lizard. They spend most of their lives in the canopy, descending only infrequently to mate, lay eggs, or change trees. These large lizards can reach head to tail lengths of around 2 m.

Painted reed frog

Hyperolius marmoratus

The painted reed frog is a medium-sizedfrog, the male reaching 43mm in length. It is a widespread and abundant species along the coast and at low altitudes. It is found in emergent vegetation at the margins of swamps, rivers and lakes in all types of savannah, grassland and bush, as well as many human-modified habitats, including cultivated land, towns and gardens.

Golden cyst nematode

Globodera rostochiensis

The golden cyst nematode is native to South America. Itaffects potato and tomato plantsas well as a variety of other root crops. This nematode was first reported in South Africa in 1971 by a farmer near Pretoria and then from small farms around Johannesburg and Bon Accord. In April 1999, it was reported from the Ceres area in the Western Cape.

Tokay gecko

Gekko gecko

The tokay gecko is a nocturnal arboreal gecko, ranging from northeast India, Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh throughout Southeast Asia and the Philippines to Indonesia and western New Guinea. It feeds oninsectsand smallvertebrates. Males are very territorial and will attack other male tokays and other gecko species, as well as anything else in their territory.


Gambusia affinis

The mosquitofish is a species of freshwater fish indigenous to the Mississippi River in the USA. It is listed as one of the world's worst invasive species. The name 'mosquitofish' was given because the diet of this fish predominantly consists of large amounts of mosquito larvae (as well as other invertebrate larvae); an adult female can consume hundreds in a day.

Panther chameleon

Furcifer pardalis

The panther chameleon is one of the most sought after species of chameleon in the international pet trade due to its beautiful colouration and success of breeding in captivity. There are no known adverse effects ofpanther chameleonon humans.

Oustalet’s chameleon

Furcifer oustaleti

Oustalet's chameleon is a very large species of chameleon that is endemic to Madagascar. It is most often encountered in degraded habitats, agricultural land and human settlements, but also occurs in undisturbed dry forests, montane savannah and, rarely, in tropical rainforests.

Red fody

Foudia madagascariensis

The red fody is a smallpasserinebird. It is commonly found in forest clearings, grasslands, natural savannahs and cultivated areas such as farmlands and rice paddies where it is sometimes regarded as a pest.

Estuarine tube-worm

Ficopomatus enigmaticus

Estuarine tube - worm is a species ofserpulidtubeworm. It builds and lives in white, calcareous tubes that are about 2mm in diameter and 2cm long. It is aninvasive speciesthat dominates and alters habitats, reduces water quality, depletes resources and causes biofouling.

European pond turtle

Emys orbicularis

The European pond turtle is a long-lived freshwater species of turtle. It selects terrestrial locations with open, high and sandy soil habitats for nesting. It searches for habitats in shallow, fertile areas with adequate food supplies and few predators.