Common water monitor

Varanus salvator

Thewater monitor is a large lizard native to South and Southeast Asia. They are carnivores, and have a wide range of foods. They are known to eatfish,frogs,rodents,birds,crabs, and snakes.They have also been known to eat turtles, as well as young crocodiles and crocodile eggs.

Khapra beetle

Trogoderma granarium

Khapra beetle is one of the world's most destructive pests of grain products and seeds. It is considered one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world. Infestations are difficult to control because of the insect's ability to survive without food for long periods, its preference for dry conditions and low-moisture food, and its resistance to many insecticides.

Italian crested newt

Triturus carnifex

Italian crested newt is a large newt, with females measuring up to 180 mm and males up to 150 mm in total length. They feed on aquatic invertebrates, juvenile newts, and tadpoles, and have also been reported to consume shed amphibian skin.

Jackson’s chameleon

Trioceros jacksonii

Jackson's chameleons are small to medium-sized chameleons. In its natural range, they live in cool, humid mountain slopes with significant rainfall and vegetation. Jackson's chameleons are insectivores.They feed on crickets, wax worms, butter worms, cockroaches, house flies or small snails.


Tragelaphus eurycerus

The bongo is the largest and heaviest forest antelope. It has an auburn or chestnut coat with 10 to 15 vertical white stripes running down its sides. Theyfound in disturbed forest mosaics that provide fresh, low-level green vegetation.


Tinca tinca

Tench is a freshwater fish. Theyare found in only a few waters in South Africa. They are generally olive green but can also be dark green and reflect a gold coloration of the ventral surface. They have negative impacts on their environments. In places tench are found there is a decrease in other fish species.

Eucalyptus leaf blotch pathogen

Teratosphaeria cryptica

The eucalyptus leaf blotch pathogen disease is responsible for the most serious and common leaf spot disease. They produce leaf lesions, they reduce the effective photosynthetic area, resulting in eventually in premature defoliation and reduced growth rates.

Derby eland

Taurotragus derbianus

The Derby eland is the largestspeciesof antelope in the world. Males tend to be larger than females, weighing between 400 and 1000 kg. It is anherbivore, eating grasses, foliage and branches.

Pacific mussel

Semimytilus algosus

Pacific mussel is a marine mussel that has invaded South Africa's west coast. The present geographic range ofpacific mussel in South Africa extends some 500 km, from Groenriviersmond in the north to Bloubergstrand in the south. It has become a dominant intertidal organism on wave-exposed rocky shores across this region.

Burrowing nematode

Radopholus similis

Burrowing nematode is a parasite of plants, and it is a pest of many agricultural crops. It is an especially important pest of bananas and citrus, and it can be found on coconut, avocado, coffee, sugarcane, other grasses, and ornamentals. It is a migratory endoparasite of roots, causing lesions that form cankers. Infected plants experience malnutrition.