Amphibious pond snail

Reticulate pond snail

Lymnaea columella

Common name:

Reticulate pond snail

Scientific name:

Lymnaea columella

Alternative common names:


An air-breathing snail with an operculum (horny plat on the foot used to close the shell). The shell is up to 16mm long and coiled to the right. It is dark brown in colour, with a reticulate sculpture pattern. This aquatic snail carries various pathogens and may be detrimental to indigenous aquatic species.

Additional Information

Where does this species come from?

North America.

What is its invasive status in South Africa?

NEMBA Category 1b.

Where in South Africa is it a problem?

Widespread in aquatic environments across South Africa.

How does it spread?

Disperses through waterways.

Why is it a problem?

This aquatic snail carries various pathogens and may be detrimental to indigenous aquatic species. It may also compete against the related indigenous species – Lymnaea natalensis.

What does it look like?

Description: An air-breathing snail with an operculum (horny plat on the foot used to close the shell). The shell is up to 16mm long and coiled to the right. It is dark brown in colour, with a reticulate sculpture pattern.

Habitat: Rivers, dams and other wetlands across South Africa.

Breeding: Hermaphrodite – these snails have both male and female reproductive organs and lay eggs on submerged vegetation.

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