1 Introduction – Kay Montgomery
1 Introduction – Kay Montgomery
10 The Prevalence of wild boar (sus scrofa) in South Africa - Claudette James
10 The Prevalence of wild boar (sus scrofa) in South Africa - Claudette James
11 Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife - an update on activities - Ian Rushworth
11 Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife - an update on activities - Ian Rushworth
2 AIS Permitting – Asive Qikwa
2 AIS Permitting – Asive Qikwa
3 AIS Compliance – Sherece Chetty
3 AIS Compliance – Sherece Chetty
4 AIS Enforcement – Bernard Ndou
4 AIS Enforcement – Bernard Ndou
5 NRM KZN Project - Working for Water - Ryan Brudvig
5 NRM KZN Project - Working for Water - Ryan Brudvig
6 Herbicides for Invasive Species- Debbie Muir
6 Herbicides for Invasive Species- Debbie Muir
7 eThekwini Metro - an update on work in the Metro - Bheka Nxele
7 eThekwini Metro - an update on work in the Metro - Bheka Nxele
8 SANBI KZN - an update on early detection Ntombifuthi Shabalala
8 SANBI KZN - an update on early detection Ntombifuthi Shabalala
9 ARC Cedara - an update on biocontrol in KZN - Lorraine Strathie
9 ARC Cedara - an update on biocontrol in KZN - Lorraine Strathie